

At Ritex Group, we turn your career goals into reality

At Ritex Group, we turn your career goals into reality. We invest in the professional growth of our employees, regardless of their experience. We offer excellent working conditions, a positive team atmosphere, and short decision-making paths, enabling rapid career advancement.

Pracownicy Ritex Group przed siedzibą firmy
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Why join our team?


You don't need experience to join our team.

Our employees are our greatest asset. Alongside experienced professionals, we also invest in young talent developing their careers. Under our guidance, you will gain valuable experience, and your personality and motivation will open the door to success!


Aktualne oferty pracy

Kierowca C+E - Podwójna obsada

Proces rekrutacji w Ritex Group


What does the recruitment process look like?

1. Application Review

Send us your CV and cover letter (make it personal, don’t use templates). Remember to include all jobs, even those you took during your studies—small experiences matter too.

2. Phone Interview with HR Representative

The first contact to get to know each other. We’ll discuss your qualifications, previous work experience, and expectations for the future job.

3. In-person Interview at Our Headquarters

We’ll invite you for an interview with our HR team, where you can present yourself. You’ll learn all the details about the position.

4. Recruitment Outcome

We will inform you of the recruitment outcome, regardless of the result. If successful, we will finalize employment details within a maximum of 2 weeks after the interview.


What does the recruitment process look like?


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Get in touch
with us

1. Application Review

Send us your CV and cover letter (make it personal, don’t use templates). Remember to include all jobs, even those you took during your studies—small experiences matter too.

2. Phone Interview with HR Representative

The first contact to get to know each other. We’ll discuss your qualifications, previous work experience, and expectations for the future job.

3. In-person Interview at Our Headquarters

We’ll invite you for an interview with our HR team, where you can present yourself. You’ll learn all the details about the position.

4. Recruitment Outcome

We will inform you of the recruitment outcome, regardless of the result. If successful, we will finalize employment details within a maximum of 2 weeks after the interview.